Welcome to the Rack 2 suggestions page! If you have ideas, suggestions, or feature requests for Rack 2, you've come to the right place.

If you're here to suggest a species, please visit the SPECIES SUGGESTIONS forum.


New types of penetration

Anonymous 6 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 6 years ago 1

Tongue penetration and tail penetration would be really good


Individualized Orgasmic Tastes

much like how in real life there's people that like to finish in a specific manner, there could be the same thing for characters within Rack Furry Science.
some Taste ideas:

-Cum Inside: the name says it all. the character likes it most when their partner is cumming inside them at the moment of their orgasm. they can get offended if you cum outside or if you slip out and don't try to put it back in while you're still cumming.

-Cum Outside: the oposite of the Inside. the character dislikes being came inside and it won't hesitate to let you know about it.

-Stay Inside: The character does not care if you cum or not...but it does want you to stay inside as it is orgasming, and maybe even when not necesarily orgasming at all, and this is just to enjoy the feeling of closeness (maybe even a cuddle)

-Stay Outside: The character does not want to be penetrated at any given moment, and doing so could actually count as rape regarding the character being penetrated. the character will instead greatly appreciate it if you limited yourself to grinding

-Internal Grinding: the character likes it most if you're grinding inside it during and after orgasm.

-Internal Pressing: the character desires for you to keep pushing inside, thus pressing their vagina with your phallus. it differentiates from Stay inside on the sense that it requires you to constantly push forward and not letting go of the movement key.

-Deep Cumming: this one is similar to the internal pressing, except that its given window of oportunity is given while you're orgasming. if you keep pressing (specially effective with characters whose penis is long enought to reach the entrance of the cervix) and you get your phallus properly alligned, the character will be quite pleased and some extra money can even be expected to come in later on.


special particle effects in character creator

Anonymous 7 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 6 years ago 3

a lot of people are really into their character having special magic powers, and a lot of dragon furries like having that charizard tail, so i wanna suggest having the option to apply certain special particle effects to your characters paws, wings, eyes, horns, and the tip of their tail (and maybe around their genitals?) in the character creator

stuff like flames, electric sparks, dripping liquid, bubbles, leaves, smoke, and just generic sparkly particles, all color customizable


shower room test chamber, tentacles

Anonymous 7 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated by Kinky_Kyuubi 7 years ago 1

a shower room test chamber for those steamy love scenes and Tentacle sex via random tentacles


Clients rating your lab (visual suggestion)

Anonymous 7 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 7 years ago 1

If the client history will be implemented someday then how about using the console (whic we use for log in to RackNet) for displaying the clients rating and impressions/suggestions.

Here, i come up with simple example:

Image 128

The idea is to give player guidelines for improving their lab. First sentence can be client's impressions, second can be their suggestions if they weren't completely satisfied. Maybe even break up the ratings into three existing test subjects categories.


Please remove colored lightning at showers

Varenvel 8 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated by Pickled_Cow 8 years ago 3

It makes really hard to get color right on some characters due that orange colour on the lightning there really ruins way for you to pick color , and right now where is no other place to edit character

Would be nice to have just white colors , so when your actually editing "you know your getting color right" not "that your getting color wrong because orange color is layered on you as you edit

especialy if color has some minor tint , it just endsup looking orange and you cant tell if tint is too small or too big


Environmental Simulator Lab Addon

Anonymous 8 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated by suirodnemsa 8 years ago 1

Basically could you make an addon you'd have to purchase to add to your lab which would sort of holographically modify a room in the lab? For example if you were looking into the room from the outside it would look like a typical lab room. However if you step inside with the subject it could simulate just about any sort of area like a cave, or forest, or downtown, etc. etc. Basically add a little more variety then just a lab.


Suibject info sheet looks and clarification

Fri 8 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas 0

Perhaps I am too much used to overly simplified data, but I have a couple suggestions about the "subject choice" screen data table.

1. Make the data more readable, by adding either some kind of dimmed background OR add a tint to the font.

2. Make the data scroll-able so we can reach the bottom lines of it with our eyes and actually see what the data are.

3. A big help would be to add a /(max number) affix to each listed data that applies, to let us know in what range does the specific characteristic stands. Make it either "50/150" or "33%" or someting that lets us know the magnitude of the given stat, not just the number :)


Fake animal languages: just for amusement's sake.

Anonymous 8 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 8 years ago 3

In the languages menu, there would be an option for Animal Language. This is purely a silly mode, and basically replaces each word of dialogue (from English) with equivalent, species-appropriate animal noises. Like, "Bark woof growl bark." I imagine it would be rather humorous to have a subject shouting such things in the throes of testing. Anyways, it'd be purely for the humor factor. Just imagine a subject climaxing and shouting, "PURR MEOW PURR HISS MEOW!!!" Comedy gold right there, folks.

Okay, I'll leave.


Quick subject engagement with cursor.

Pickled_Cow 8 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 7 years ago 1

Having multiple subjects in the same lab is awesome, but interacting with them could be streamlined a bit. You have to engage and disengage with each subject before you can preform actions on any of them.

For those of you who didn't know, you can make the cursor appear manually by holding alt. This could be used to quickly preform actions on different subjects without having to hit E and Esc between each subject. Simply select a "tool" and point.

To could also be method to pleasure yourself with out having to engage a subject first.