Welcome to the Rack 2 suggestions page! If you have ideas, suggestions, or feature requests for Rack 2, you've come to the right place.
If you're here to suggest a species, please visit the SPECIES SUGGESTIONS forum.

Female genital variety
The males have a great variety when it comes to dicks, but the girls with pussies? Not so much. I'd just like to see the option for canine pussies right next to canine dicks, equine pussies next to horsecock, etc.

Lab Partner
Was thinking of something maybe along the lines of an NPC you could custom create as sort of a lab partner. Maybe to use as a subject to test certain fetishes on, fool around with, ect. Could even be part of future fetish implementations for exhibitionism and such where they can also observe and assist in testing.

Hemi-Penis (AKA dual-dicks) either species limited (sharks, lizards etc.) or possible for everyone
Since it is possible to vote on sharks, I think it would be a good idea to vote on, if people want the inclusion of hemi-penis. Though the bigger question is, if that is actually doable with fek having to create a entirely new skeleton from scratch.

Beds, preferrably without bondage.
Interact with test subjects/possible lab partners on them!

Public Toilet
Add a public toilet somewhere close to the locker room and shower, allow the player to masturbate in the stall, cum in the urinal, have fun with the NPCs in it, etc. Or just let the player relief itself normally (Not scat or water sports).
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