Welcome to the Rack 2 suggestions page! If you have ideas, suggestions, or feature requests for Rack 2, you've come to the right place.

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Longer Default Penis size

Anonymous 6 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated by Kinky_Kyuubi 6 years ago 5

Image 234

Hey Fek, Is it possible that you could make the largest penis size longer in the character creator? like 30cm /12 inches without madscience? Because its like the longest you can make them is 5/6 inches :( I know chemicals to make your dick bigger is coming but, I mean in the character creator? Will there also be other kinds of penises too? Love the game so far!


Knot size options

Instead of having the size of a character's knot entirely decided by their overall penis size, a way to change its size individually would be great if players want something like a bigger one on a small penis, or a more modest one on a bigger penis.


have more way to do bondage

sergiothefox 8 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated by Wren 8 years ago 1

have more than one way of bondage like straitjackets,rope,latex,mummification ways,blindfolds and ball gags with or without the rack


Pleasure Self Button Everywhere

Anonymous 8 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 8 years ago 2

Don't know if its technically possible, but allow the pleasure self button to be used everywhere in the lab, not just while on the rack.


Public use on the wall.

FSR 8 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas 0

The subjects can be stuck in to the wall with different types. Player could either choose to see the subjects' faces directly, or through the monitor.




The player might be able to collect funding through these subjects by turning them into a vending machine. (The subject will receive 60~70% of the fundings)



Lost Bet: Why did I even make this wager?

A local sex casino will occasionally be unable to collect payment for perverted bets. Whatever it was, film it happening at your facility and clear their tab. Could be as simple as 'being made to orgasm while your friends watch.'


Penis' should shrink over time if we're not using them

Anonymous 6 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 5 years ago 2

Right now I think they're stuck at however hard they are when you leave the lab room.


Anal puffiness slider, and more extensive orgasm contractions

Puck (Puck Swiftpaw) 7 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 7 years ago 4

Currently, female genitalia have a range slider for labia puffiness characteristics, and they twitch very visibly during orgasm. Why not extend this to the backdoor: Make the tailhole spasm during climax the same way, and add a range slider to the character customizer, where left/right is width and up/down is puffiness. For example, bottom-left would result in the current "small-innie" appearance, top-right would result in a "large outie". Likely not too large, something along the lines of an equine's donut, enough to look down and see it puckering out around a penetrator. While we're at it, why not make balls twitch during climax too?



Anonymous 7 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated by FrozenFurry 7 years ago 1

I was disappointed at first when I saw the like for impregnation, but it wasn`t exactly coded in yet. The gene splitting would be a great idea, and you should be able to create a chemical to allow you not to get pregnant (or some kind of setting) or someone else pregnant, or you should make condom, and there should be a (optional) setting where you can add a chance where the condom doesn`t work, and you have a chance of impregnation. If there ends up being separate days, as in you can sleep, then wake up the next day, throughout the days, your belly should get bigger (If there ends up being an abortion thing, then that won`t happen.) or unless you have some kind of chemical that instantly makes it go out. If you impregnate another person, I say it shouldn`t be reported that they`re pregnant until 2 days after, or three, and a pop up will appear where it shows that "(Insert Name Here) Is pregnant!" From there, you will have a new menu, called the family tree. There you can see the people you impregnated, and the children they had, and those children`s children. (Kinda like the Sims) You can call them in anytime as a subject, and see them yourself (And have incest, if you want). After about 3-6 days, the new child is born, and another menu will pop up, like "Your child was born!" And you will be able to name them. Again, kind of like the Sims, except in the Rack 2 style. Now, you cannot rape the child, and you have to wait a couple days for them to grow up to be able to make them a subject. If you want that family tree to grow larger, you have to impregnate the child, or have the child impregnate someone. Maybe a sperm collector? And send it to another subject? Or the child? There, they can be impregnated and have children, and the cycle repeats.


    Subject perspective during experiments

    suirodnemsa 7 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated by Wren 7 years ago 1

    its simple as in a topic, i wanna simple camera from subject perspective accesible from a key on keyboard.