Your comments


The only time I'd even consider tolerating this is if the "kid" was only child-like in appearance and was actually really old due to immortality or some other significant reason regarding their petite appearance, point being that they weren't actually a kid at all and were an able minded adult in every way other than appearance. I completely agree with what you said above, Zabra, children cannot consent, therefor pedophilia is rape.

I'd love to see tickling have a significant presence in this game.

I recommend you polishing your idea by cleaning up your header and offering suggestions for these tickling toys.

just my two cents

sergals are already in the game


agreed, its complete bullshit that anyone can sabotage this system so easily over a petty batch of butthurtery.

real mature asshole, you're not fooling anyone. You come to MY suggestion threads and mass downvote with alt accounts all because you got butthurt over my comment about your pedo thread?

Yeah, sure, I suddenly get mass downvotes in ONE DAY after it took weeks for me to gain just three upvotes?

You're not fooling anyone, I know it was you and your alt accounts, pedo.

yeah, its not a coincidence that after the butthurt pedo got mad at me and mass downvoted my comment on his thread and mass upvoted his own comment that I'd see my suggestions get suddenly mass downvoted.

Real mature, asshole.

I suddenly get 9 downvotes in one day after taking weeks to get 5 upvotes? You're not fooling anyone.

Grow up, you know who you are.


you fucking kidding me? you're so butthurt over this that you went and alt account mass downvoted my suggestions over this? Go fuck yourself sideways pedo.


its already confirmed that its not gonna be in the game, get over it and stop acting like the things you want to stick your dick into.


did you seriously have that much of a stick up your ass and are that petty that you'd make 20 alt accounts just to downvote me and upvote yourself? FFS, get a life.

yes and yes. Love me some random tentacles!
Would be awesome to have the possibility of having random tentacles molest the player in the shower room while they're changing their clothes or something.