Your comments

and the part where my suggestions took another mass downvote hit AFTER you replied to one of my comments, I'm suuuure that's just a coincidence, right? You aren't kidding anyone here, you pedo waste of life.

oh, bee tee dubs, you're providing more evidence when you sabotage this suggestion too.

and the part where MY suggestions started being sabotaged in retaliation? Convenient how you seem to forget that bit. You aren't the victim here, you made your bed and now you're unhappy that you have to lay in it and now you're flinging shit at other people because you're too much of a child to act maturely about this. Ironic, you act like the things you want to stick your dick into.


agreed, he's so butthurt its actually funny


says the fucktard who screwed with MY suggestions despite me not having anything to do with your tor browser bullshit. Pot, meet kettle.


clearly you do, or else you wouldn't keep trying so hard

rage on, pedo fuckbucket

the funny part is that its a moot point anyway, since its already been confirmed that cub won't be in the game.

the evidence speaks for itself, idiot. If any of what you said was the case, then why are my suggestion votes broken? Oh that's right, because you're a butthurt fucktard who got his nickers in a twist because pedophilia is frowned upon unanymously. Fuck off with your bullshit.


keep crying, pedo

someone made the suggestion that the jackass pedo had been using a tor browser or something.

Either way, my suggestion votes are pretty much broken at the moment.