Welcome to the Rack 2 suggestions page! If you have ideas, suggestions, or feature requests for Rack 2, you've come to the right place.

If you're here to suggest a species, please visit the SPECIES SUGGESTIONS forum.


improve jump

I know it is absurd but since it is implemented to improve the physics and animation when jumping.


Question about Rack.net

Rose-a-pod 4 years ago 0

How can you change the name of the character you upload? All it seems to do is upload the name I give when starting a new save.


Add description to RackNet uploaded characters and choose their photo+pose

By the way, characters don't appear correctly in RackNet.


Brighter eyes as of v0.2.6b

From v0.2.6b, the eyes should be slightly brighter at the edges of the sclera, since it is a little difficult to see eye colors, especially in bright and glow-ey environments. I really do like the more realistic and detailed irises from this update, but the colors, unless they are at the highest hue, look somewhat dull and greyscale-ish. Sorry for sounding nit-picky.


Revise Rack 2's Color Scheme

EngorgedBanana 6 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 6 years ago 1

So there is a little bit of anonymity when it comes to underground sex research, and having a dark, neon-city type environment is an appropriate overall theme. But if this is science, then like most modern high-tech, high-class, well-funded color schemes, it will rather feature white and neon-colors, rather than a Las-Vegas night-life city environment. I know it's your game, and you might love the darker scheme a lot, but perhaps it might liven things up and feel like an actual laboratory if the game was more white? Of course, turning the lights off is definitely necessary when talking about sex. Making it optional to choose between the two schemes is a nice idea.


don't allow anonymous accounts to vote on suggestions

Kinky_Kyuubi 6 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 6 years ago 27

seriously, that idiot with his pedo fetish keeps throwing a tantrum and using alt accounts to mass downvote people out of revenge for downvoting his cub suggestion.

I got hit by his butthurtery and its absolutely ridiculous.



Can you put an X-Ray option, and maybe see the subjects from the side or above?


Ombre + Custom Color Hair

These are two ideas that I REALLY think should be in the game already. But if it requires the game to be later in the dev process, so be it. Consider it something I personally think would improve character creation even more.


Alternative suggestions, or modifications, for "the preferences panel" in Rack 2, to know the preferences that are operative, and which are not.

cerverusverusmalus 6 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 6 years ago 1

So, I would like to suggest a modification, for "the preferences panel" in Rack 2, to know the preferences that are operative, and which are not, (this example is not real, since the information of the options that work and the no, they are random, and sorry for the image, since I'm not good with photoshop).

Image 123

Would someone else like to propose an improvement, modification or alternative option?

A greeting.


Allow users to watch videos or see screenshots of other play gameplay but only if they unlock those levels first

Nathan Mewfii 7 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 7 years ago 0

Users can get a longer or better looking video or screenshot if the have unlocked up to level, but if they have not, the quality will not be as good or as long