Welcome to the Rack 2 suggestions page! If you have ideas, suggestions, or feature requests for Rack 2, you've come to the right place.

If you're here to suggest a species, please visit the SPECIES SUGGESTIONS forum.


Object Placement

Anonymous 7 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 7 years ago 1

First I should say i have no clue how to position things in game right now so if it can be done someone tell me how?

Second is the idea itself. I would like to put forward a method of object placement in The Sims franchise. Basically a top down view of the area with nicely categorized dropdown menus containing all you currently own equipment wise.


super powers

nammico 7 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 7 years ago 5

not exactly super powers, more plasmids/vigors from the bioshock series.

the thought process behind this is simple, if you're lab has an abundance of future-istic technology, then they probabaly have contact with extraterrestrials(this would coincide with the spicing thing)basically, make concoctions using alien plant/animal dna to give you're self(or you're subjects)powers(only less murder-time and more sexy-time)


Racknet Error

Luskfoxx 11 months ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 11 months ago 0

Hey anybody.

I have a little Problem with Racknet. I can`t upload my Character, if I click on it, it takes ~2 or 3 Seconds, than "Error Uploading your Character". Nothing else, habe try it 20 Times. Have anyone a Solution for it?

(Firewall is not active).

Thank you :)


option to edit client list


how about a modding api for non official models to be made

so say a person who wants a model species that is not implemented into the game they can still have a way to get it into the game


better mobility in oral and hand-job like in bedplay

Anonymous 6 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 6 years ago 2

Some SOUND output For Interact with Tens or Stim units on our side

Anonymous 6 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated by Kinky_Kyuubi 6 years ago 1

Is it maybe possible , to give some sound output for tens or stim mashines here on our side ?

like the stim files for erostek or audiostim ????

so we can "feel" the errection of the subjekts  or maybee the unwilness 8))


The current randomly generated fox subjects are hideous

This is just my opinion, but I do think that the current fox subjects look ugly and not sexy.

They are really short (similarly to fennecs), often pinkish or dull-colored and not orange enough (although grey foxes are an exception, perhaps red and grey foxes should be separated into different species), their faces look too squat and flat, and are meh in overall appearance.

I made a custom character fox that looks much better and much more handsome in comparison to the randomly generated fox that players usually see in the game.

Image 196

The customized fox above has a much better look than the current fox below:

Ugh. Hideous in my opinion.


Polish execution on equine teeth

Anonymous 7 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 6 years ago 1

As of 2.2 equine teeth will jut out past the boundaries of the mouth/ look generally goofy for equines with fully shortened muzzles and fully non-tapered snouts.