Welcome to the Rack 2 suggestions page! If you have ideas, suggestions, or feature requests for Rack 2, you've come to the right place.

If you're here to suggest a species, please visit the SPECIES SUGGESTIONS forum.


make char muscular with big nipples

Wolfenwing 7 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 7 years ago 1

again its so furries or people can make their char look like their fursonas



Of varying degrees. Half an arm, whole, both, leg, ect.


Fek should write a book!

The patreon is currently hovering around $15,000 a month, and I recall it being as high as $25,000 a year or two ago. The patreon's been going since 2018, so I figure anywhere from $500,000 to $1,500,000 or more has been moved into Patreon's and Fek's pockets.

This must be money laundering. Fek must have won the lottery, contributed to some kind of criminal plot, or received some other windfall and is using Patreon as a funnel to reduce his tax obligation.

Furries simply cannot be so braindead as to forget they are pledging $2/$10/$25/$100 each month to a project with a heartbeat weaker than Team Fortress 2.

... Can they?

In either case, Fek should write a book on the subject; "How To Use The Furry Community To Evade Taxes", or "How Unity3D Let Me Separate Horny Fools From Their Money."


les douche fonctionelle

comstam 4 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 4 years ago 1

faire en sorte que doivent se laver après chaque expérience aussi dans le pu et les prochaines se derouleront moins biens


Bug report (Mantis not working for me, sorry)

Rose-a-pod 5 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 4 years ago 5

When I choose a client/volunteer/research subject as of the recent 2.10 update the game freaks out and sort of neon screen tears into oblivion.  This is a paid for version via Itch.io

Image 342


upload labs to racknet


Journal entries

Anonymous 5 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated by Nathan “Mewfii” Richardson 5 years ago 1

Can be used for players to build their own personal story, keep track of progresd, or write down important information 


Making a doppelganger of personalized text subject.

Anonymous 6 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 6 years ago 1

Instead of hoping for random generation of characters why not giving the option to make them ourselves?


clones/genetic engineering

Anonymous 6 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 6 years ago 4

ok so since this is all sci-fi themed, i had a really dope idea for a feature and a type of sub-mission to go along with it.

The idea is that you'd be able to collect sperm/DNA samples from subjects, that you can later use to clone them, and you can eventually upgrade the cloning station into a genetic engineering station, that you can use to build custom test subjects out of features that you unlock by getting more DNA samples from subjects.

And with that, would come a type a quest where super rich clients would ask for you to make custom ordered clones for them, where they would have to have a certain combination of features that you'd have to unlock. Like say, a client asking you to make a clone of "a certain famous person" and you task is to try to engineer a clone of certain popular furry characters, or patreon supporters' fursonas or whatever

PS: also add a button that makes me dab, even while banging


Erotic Scene Creation: Because we're actors, but what we really want to do is direct.

Anonymous 6 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 6 years ago 2

Up front, I recognize that executing this would be a huge undertaking. But maybe worth it!

Anyhow, the idea is to give the player the ability to make scenes to play out and watch movie-style, and share with others via RackNet.

The basic idea is to have an editable timeline that has simplified features. Each 'layer' on the timeline is an actor, and can either be a character or a camera. Each non-camera actor can only take basic actions each keyframe:

* Speak

* Move

* Interact with world object (get in a rack, start an Encounter with someone in a rack, open door, etc.)

* Interact with Subject (If it's on the action bar, you can do it)

* React in Rack (only used to override their normal reactions)

Cameras would be able to Move or Become Active Camera, and not much else.

In terms of interface, you'd just place events (keyframes) on the timeline for the actors and essentially play out your scene. Obviously, having something like this is fraught with complexities that aren't obvious on the surface, but it seems like a great way to involve interesting, creative gameplay. Could share scenes on RackNet, and could gate them behind the toys involved in the games -- as in, if you want to see a particular scene, you have to unlock all of the toys *used* in the scene. Could have a system of 'likes' and meta-tags to go along with scenes. Who knows; the sky's the limit!