Welcome to the Rack 2 suggestions page! If you have ideas, suggestions, or feature requests for Rack 2, you've come to the right place.

If you're here to suggest a species, please visit the SPECIES SUGGESTIONS forum.


Small Multiplayer support

Anonymous 8 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated by suirodnemsa 8 years ago 2

Nothing big like mmo style but the option When you select be a test subject (when its ready) to submit yourself on a list of different test subjects and the possibility of you being matched up with someone else playing live and they experiment on you and you are watching from your own PoV, helpless in the rack or whatever you're stuck in


Stretching/skewing decals and embellishments

It would be helpful for getting your character look just right.


Reset embellishment brush

fek 8 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas 0

A button to reset the embellishment brush to default / centered settings.


subject sex/gender filter option

Anonymous 8 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated by fek 8 years ago 1

say for example you either don't want or only want female or d-girl test subjects to show up, you can filter the ones that show up for you


Interaction sounds volume

Anonymous 5 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 5 years ago 1

It's not a game crashing bug, so I couldn't report it on the bug section.

I doubt it's even a bug, but with the world volume maxed, I can just BARELY hear the sound of licking or smacking when interacting with the subjects. It would be nice to have it audible without having all volumes up to max, which would save some people's ear drum from bursting from sound of elevator, sliding doors, and rain/

Or perhaps a different volume option for it linked with planned grunting/moaning?


Translations need more space for texts

César 6 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 6 years ago 3

I'm translating the entire game into Spanish to improve grammar and remove google translations, but more space needs to be added to the text boxes.

Short concepts are used in English, but not in other languages. And a game that can run at 1920x1080 has plenty of space.


A standalone head for the hyena species would be nice.

If it had it's own head, the overall shape and sliders could be more specialized to complement its features instead of just being a add-on to the canine head via sliders in a specific way.


Dragon and footjob



Should be able to unbutton your shirt and roll up your sleeves to any clothes of a similar nature.


Better mobility like in bedplay

idk how would it look in 3D but i'd like to see if there's a chance where we can manually move cocks,boobs,feets, and stuff like that 

like in the  ''super deepthroat'', maybe you could add that to the penetration too