Your comments

How about different types of condoms? Like ones with ridges, and ones with bumps.

Ones with ridges AND bumps.

Redundant thread.

You know the create new thread field bar doubles as an automatic search bar right?

Blood shouldn't be used as a lube, it coagulates once outside of the body as it attempts to turn into a scab.

Also, I don't think blood alone qualifies something as gore. I don't think it qualifies as gore until you come across something that be used in an improvised anatomy lesson.

That being said, I hope isn't off the table entirely. Can't have hymen play without blood.

Are hymens suggested yet? I'm a suggest that.

Start game

Load Game

Hit Escape

Find the "Open Game Files" Hexagonal icon and click it

Return game to Main Menu to prevent save file conflicts

Open savedata folder

Open yourcharacter.rackCharacterData with any text editor

Find the following lines of code


Edit those numbers. (But keep it them all under 5 at first until you're sure your computer can handle that much cum.)

Reload the save file in question.

Test to see if your character is producing the desired amount of cum.

Return to step 5 if not, otherwise, have fun.

Start game, load save file, hit escape, and then open the game's data folder by pressing the wrench and hammer hexagon next to the logo. Once you have the data folder open, exit Rack 2 or at least return to main menu before making any edit to your save files, this will prevent the game from undoing any edits you make to them, and prevent saving conflicts in general.

The files you want should be in savedata (or characters, if you want to edit exported players and favored subjects, volunteers and clients)

If you are editing your player character, the file you want is in savedata, and named "(your character name here).rackCharacterData", you want to open that with any basic text editor. Though I use Notepad++.

Ctrl+F and look for "penis". What you're looking for is in this area of the file.

A value of 1 is the highest the in-game editor is allowed to go. But the game won't check to see if they've been exceeded until you try to edit your character in the shower.

Well, I did post a dick pic, I figured being a jerk about it was a bit too much.

Most of this can already be done.

Before the most resent update, my character a had an orange-grape striped neon cock. Though, it's a toggle and not a slider, and all cum currently just solid white.

Okay, we have those 3 species already, and Artica Sparkle looks like a character that could be recreated %85 with the current build.