Welcome to the Rack 2 suggestions page! If you have ideas, suggestions, or feature requests for Rack 2, you've come to the right place.

If you're here to suggest a species, please visit the SPECIES SUGGESTIONS forum.


body/face shaper

the head says it all.

something like CBBE for skyrim.

what would also be nice is presets, like petite, scrawney, thin, lanky, normal, chubby, husky, fat, plus sized, muscley, chiseled, buff, and body builder.

as for faces, again, like cbbe, with presets for normal furry faces, and more human-like faces(like MyEmetophobia on fa)or more animal-like faces(like Nikcesco on fa)

i would also add tissue sliders, sliders that increase or reduce the various body tissues across the whole body., tissues like skin, muscle, bone, adipose(clinical term for fat)


Photo Mode

Be able to freeze time with the press of a key and enter photo mode with a completely free camera and perhaps some effect/fov/etc. sliders to get that perfect shot of the action.


Dire wolf/Cave wolf

Larger version of "standard" wolf, much shaggier, a bit more hunched. Think primal. Also, has 2 sets of canine teeth on the upper jaw that generally extend past the upper lips on either side of the muzzle. Wide muzzle, pronounced brow. 


make char muscular with big nipples

Wolfenwing 7 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 7 years ago 1

again its so furries or people can make their char look like their fursonas



Of varying degrees. Half an arm, whole, both, leg, ect.


giving birth

Anonymous 8 years ago in Fetishes and Sex Toys 0

Anal probes


Fek should write a book!

The patreon is currently hovering around $15,000 a month, and I recall it being as high as $25,000 a year or two ago. The patreon's been going since 2018, so I figure anywhere from $500,000 to $1,500,000 or more has been moved into Patreon's and Fek's pockets.

This must be money laundering. Fek must have won the lottery, contributed to some kind of criminal plot, or received some other windfall and is using Patreon as a funnel to reduce his tax obligation.

Furries simply cannot be so braindead as to forget they are pledging $2/$10/$25/$100 each month to a project with a heartbeat weaker than Team Fortress 2.

... Can they?

In either case, Fek should write a book on the subject; "How To Use The Furry Community To Evade Taxes", or "How Unity3D Let Me Separate Horny Fools From Their Money."


les douche fonctionelle

comstam 5 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 5 years ago 1

faire en sorte que doivent se laver après chaque expérience aussi dans le pu et les prochaines se derouleront moins biens


private sessions

tecnor2 5 years ago 0

puedes usar personajes favoritos en un acto exhibicionista o para una orgía