Your comments

one thing, sounding can be applied on male and female parts.

to be honest you can propably already make it from blujay, but to be honest if thats what you deside who am i to take it away from you;3

my suggestion is to not make a one gryphon species but to create a button that makes a gryphon from a bird species by simply adding needed and listed by you body parts. it would means there would be as many gryphons as bird species, and system like that propably isn't hard to do ;3.

also when you are sugesting to use it on holes than why not every hole? i bet there is someone that like sounding of penis or would like to play with mouth that way, just saying.

well technically bluejay is a gryphon, any added bird with separate wings on back will be a gryphon

hmm penguins could be not a bad idea, they don't need wings (they don't fly), they don't need feathers and can be smooth so will not need too much work, and can look sexy made correct, for example:

i have no idea what species select or suggest so i'll just post this


hmm i would like to see owl and specially made little but not much chubby, something similiar in design to this

as a matter of species i would suggest "Eurasian Eagle Owl" in my opinion suits best

at this moment in game body shape is same for male and female and only parts are changed like head, or they are adjusted. so Sexual dimorphism can be really challenging it would propably need massive engine rebuild.

easier to do would be to have 2 different species or select one better looking of them.

(Sexual dimorphism is how called are species with diffrent sexes look)

bassically with birds is that problem that most of them looks amazing, few examples are: Golden Pheasant, Bohemian Waxwing,Mandarin Duck, Puerto Rican Spindalis, Palawan peacock and much more ;3

Bluejay looks really similiar, but there is never enough birds ;3

hmm true it belongs to someone else, but they don't have rights to bats themselves, how Anthropomorphic bat look? like nimbat, why not call them simply bats than?

you can paint them with yellow yourself ;3

true i also would like to see it but sadly it won't happen, it would mean that all possible 3d models would need high detailed and animated details of insides that are seen from short distance, really big amount of work for small feature, but lets have hope, maybe in really late develpoment or after release ;3