Welcome to the Rack 2 suggestions page! If you have ideas, suggestions, or feature requests for Rack 2, you've come to the right place.

If you're here to suggest a species, please visit the SPECIES SUGGESTIONS forum.


Customizable Hands

Is anyone else bugged by the fact that the three-fingered hands have no thumbs?

The current setup with the different hands and feet works pretty well as it currently is... A handful of different options to swap between for characters with different numbers of digits, and few enough that it doesn't become cumbersome to navigate them all. Unfortunately, setting it up like this limits the variety of hands and feet characters can have.

The current options would remain as defaults, of course, but with an advanced customization menu if you want a little more control over the final result.

There would be a number of different sliders; one to determine the number of digits (2 and 8 seem like reasonable extremes), another to determine the bulkiness of the hands/feets, and others to do something else (I haven't thought of anything else).

There would also be a few toggles; one to add webbing between the digits, another to add a thumb (maybe even a second thumb toggle for the other end of the hand, so you can have two thumbs, kinda like Halo's Elites), yet another to split the hand down the middle so it looks like a head crab (a real thing that happens sometimes, I swear!), so on, so forth.

With this setup, I'd be able to have three-fingered hands that have thumbs on them! No need to compromise, my three-fingered dragon friends!
Maybe you could add even more stuff, to make for even more bizarre hand configurations? The possibilities are endless!


Adventure Mode

You know... I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I was kind of disappointed when I looked at the research options and discovered that everything was sex related...

Again, not sure what I was expecting, but as a doer of things I like having things to do. I just want other things to do that don't just feed into this never-ending spiral of sex!

Specifically, I want places to explore; caves, ruins, wilderness, etc. Places where you might find cool materials to help with research and crafting, or artifacts you can either keep 'cause they're cool or sell to a museum for extra funds.

And yeah, obviously these places wouldn't be entirely devoid of sex. There would be plenty of characters about to have intimate interactions with -- potentially even unusual species you can't interact with elsewhere...!

Who knows what you might find out there!


Multi-Colored Embellishments

Zenith 1 year ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 1 year ago 1

A red feather would be nice, but a gold feather with a red tip would be ideal...

Others have already mentioned the limited options for embellishment coloration, but why not expand it even further than just one custom color?

The color options would need a whole menu to itself, of course, but imagine the possibilities!

Pick a gold color, pick a red, set it to a gradient, and boom -- just the feather I was looking for!

And the transition wouldn't just be limited to gradients, either; if you'd rather a stark line separating the colors you could do that, to. You could make the transition blotchy, or give it a diamond-shaped woven pattern, what have you!

If we take it a step further, it could be set up so that even the attributes of the transition are customizable; you could adjust the how gradual the transition, where it starts and ends, even the size of those blotches/diamonds I mentioned earlier!

Might be a bit much, but if it can be done, the possibilities are limitless!




Was wondering with your original Rack game. If you'd have the previous code, load specific features ?

As the title implies. Your original 2-d animations were incredible. I was honestly kicking my self for not buying a couple but, was wondering. If you could take the code line that'd register specific features from your original 2-D to load a model into the 3-d?


tesla coil

something like 2 tesla coil who will throw continuous lightning to nipples and pussy at the same time and where we can adjust the number of lightning and the power of the electricity


fix the starting loading screen getting stuck

after i hit play with any graphic config it just its at loading and doesnt do anything... Fix?



I don't like to hurt my subjects. As a consequence of this, whenever the game gives me a task to spank them, I spend a lot of time not doing that. I try to go out of my way to locate someone who likes feeling pain (or hire one of my researchers, they'll tolerate mistreatment as long as I pay them) and then I spank them and they object. Now that I feel bad about it, it's even harder to do the next time it pops up.

Suffice it to say, having an option to give a friendly heads-up to inform the subject that I'm about to do something they may not like would be appreciated. Then they can object before I do something and feel bad about it! And at the very least, they'll be prepared for it.

Obviously, having a dialogue option for every single possible action would be a bit much. Simplest solution would be to have two warning options -- one friendly and one unfriendly -- and they just tell the subject that they might not like what comes next. More complicated solution would augment these two options based on the interaction you're preparing to do.

Is this dumb? Maybe. Am I a softy? Yes.


Upper Middle Class job and family with a dog or something

I just want to be happy