Your comments

For a lot of people any kind of furry stuff is disturbing. Are you really that concerned about fantasy-based stuff someone might be looking at?


I am actually attracted to children (boys specifically). I am aware of what sexual contacts with children can cause and therefore I don't seek such contacts. Still I get aroused by fantasies of sexual contacts with young boys, it is not something I chose, it is not something I can change. I don't see anything wrong with using fantasy-based pornography that isn't using any real children. Of course the question is how it influences people who use it but I think it is largely about how it is presented. I don't think the "child can't consent so it is rape" mantra is helpful.


Pedophilia is an unchosen orientation. Some people are and will be attracted towards children. It doesn't seem we will be able to change that anytime soon. So it is rather how to help people with pedophilia to live in a way that doesn't hurt children.