Your comments

100% there should be sliders for anal width and puffiness. One gives it a bigger diameter, other makes it puff out. Maxing both would give you that pillowy donut-butthole look.

Agreed. So far, the only machine SFX during interactions in Rack 2 - outside interactions, the most significant thing is a retracting bridge which makes an absolutely beastly wall of noise when it moves, but it actually sounds slightly awesome - are extension/retraction noises if you mount a rack with a much larger or smaller character on it than yours, which isn't so bad. But it can also happen much more annoyingly if a character thrashes or thrusts hard in the rack while you're penetrating them; the rack will sort of bounce up and down to try and keep the subject's bits level with you, which makes a constant whirring noise. Much more regular and even more annoying, though, is the sudden buzzing "bloop" when you open or close the pleasure/statistics holograms next to a rack, and worst of all, the loud beeps when a subject orgasms. The sex noises are very quiet compared to the beeping, so if you turn volume up to make the sex sounds clearer, the beeping becomes wildly loud and painfully piercing. Would give anything for the option to mute those SFX separately.

I really hope we get a rack that allow's the subject's paws to come together, for that full peen-sandwiched-between-toes effect.

And they should be able to have them, agreed? 'Specially since, with sliders and options, it'd come at no expense to those without taste for donuts, that prefer the current subtle backdoors. ♥