
Release the game.

Lucario_Lover 7 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 5 years ago 12

I don't know if anyone else has noticed but Fek hasn't released the game for free yet.

"I don't like setting deadlines, because I have no idea how long it will take to finish the game. With that said, I roughly estimate that there will be a basic build available to the public by the end of 2016, and a finished, polished game by the end of 2017."

It's not a money problem, he only needed $30,000 a year to quit his day job, and now he's making over $300,000 a year from his Patrons.

Sorry if it sounds like a demand, but it is. I just found it annoying that said he would release the game to the public by the end of 2016, but it's now well over into 2017. Let's see if we can get Fek's attention on this matter.

If this is some kind of misunderstanding, then please tell me. If there's a reason behind this, then nevermind this whole comment.


One simple question, when you play actual alpha release, do you feel like this game is working how intended?

game is still in phase of basic gameplay building. Fek will release game at stage of content filling.At this moment its too early to release because basically nothing is working yet and too many systems are disabled or often reworked ;3

"there will be a basic build available to the public by the end of 2016"

Basic build probably means fully working game with test content (species, toys etc) and full game is game with all main systems closed, filled with content and all whats left is adding less important community ideas

Source: http://furry.science

Every game developer has their own little system, and mine is very simple. When I'm building a game, I work through 5 phases:

0 - Prototyping - Make sure the game is actually possible

1 - Framework - Establish boring foundation code for the game

2 - Gameplay - Build gameplay mechanics and sex systems

3 - Content - Add all the fetishes, species, missions, achievements, etc.

4 - Polish - Fix bugs, optimize code, cross-platform support, clean up the UI


Thank you for this information.


I would also like the game to be released ASAP.

But he already said that he will not release a "beta" game. He will only release a free complete, working game. I understand and respect that.

If I had the $$$, I would be already playing a dev-version.

Are you guys never satisfied? We know it will be freely released, no need to keep bothering Fek and his team ¬¬


Fek doesn't owe you anything, he doesn't owe you a release date...

Patreon is not a product based site, it's a donation based site, this means you're not buying a product, but rather supporting someone you like. Which means that you are literally entitled to NOTHING.

Now if you don't like that then you can stop supporting him on there, but since you're asking about the free version I can only assume you don't support him on Patreon, which gives you EVEN LESS entitlement to anything then the NOTHING we who support him are entitled to.

Now, it'd be a real shit thing to do not to finish the game after all this money has been given to him... but that's not what he's doing... You're just complaining that he's just not FAST enough at give you a FREE product. Shameful.


what are you telling is true but he was using date and statement given by fek

"I don't like setting deadlines, because I have no idea how long it will take to finish the game. With that said, I roughly estimate that there will be a basic build available to the public by the end of 2016, and a finished, polished game by the end of 2017."

and he also told us kindly that he don't know reason why it isn't released yet:

"If this is some kind of misunderstanding, then please tell me. If there's a reason behind this, then nevermind this whole comment."

so being angry at him isn't exactly fair, in my opinion he doesn't done anything wrong he just wanted to know why it isn't released yet knowing only whats fek told us himself ;3.

and yea, he doesn't pay, but as you said in here:

" Patreon is not a product based site, it's a donation based site, this means you're not buying a product, but rather supporting someone you like. Which means that you are literally entitled to NOTHING "

its donation based so he can not pay if he don't want to and we can do nothing about it especially with product that will be made for free anyway, sad but true.

also we don't know his situation, maybe he wants to pay but have no money to do it, not every country and person is rich.

i am just pointing that:

1. He have rights to not pay

2. he was using facts and quotes in his arguments

3. he know he propably not understand why it isn't released

4. he want to know reason of delay

and what he got?

Something that isn't important to topic of this threat (release date) and only wants to show he is worse because he doesn't pay and what he already knows.

3/5 words marked by you are "NOTHING", "NOTHING" ,"EVEN LESS". so basically you offend him.

and sentence: "Which means that you are literally entitled to NOTHING." leaves no room to interpret it other way ;3

next time please use Bold or Underline to mark important things, thats why that tools was made for in first place, all upper case words are Internet slogan for shouting.

also try to use less unpleasant form of writing for the recipient, form you used with uppercasing can be understand as attack on him even if information you pointing are correct.

and no i am not pointing that you are wrong, i am pointing that you typed it in offensive way ;3

Everything is offensive to someone. Maybe this post was offensive to the other guy for sounding so demanding but you're not condemning OP for being offensive. True, Anon probably could have sounded calmer about it but I can also understand his frustration, after all OP did say "Sorry if it sounds like a demand, but it is." meaning he is literally demanding the game come out now and not just asking for a release date.

But who really cares at this point. It's all moot. The game will come out when it's ready. ¯\(•◡•)/¯

ok I'm going to put my 2 cents here  I decided to buy the most recent dev build a few days ago because I figured id support him a little bit through itch.io and its unplayable. the games takes almost all of my ram and runs like shit, its an alpha so yeah its not going to be perfect but hes been making this game for a while now. the game should at least be playable to some extent. I have an alienware ffs

Your overpriced namesake of a laptop doesn't mean jack when it comes to how well it'll run programs. It's an unoptimized alpha, as you said, but there's something going wrong in your system if it's running that poorly for you. The game runs fine even on the much-less polished Mac version for me, so i dunno what to tell ya

If this wasn't at 69 downvotes I would downvote it

seeing as this is an old topic I won't rant too much. But seriously, if you've read his site and all the stuff that's going into it, this comment would never have been made in the first place. Just pay 10 bucks and get a free version. If it doesn't work, try an earlier one. Otherwise, clam up. It's not like getting a free art commission. This guy literally has to spend months/years to come up with quality stuff. And I'm actually surprised he's letting us get developmental versions at all. Most devs would just keep you waiting in secret. and release a beta when they're damn good and ready. Don't piss off the only person willing to release this product to you. (And by extension piss the rest of us off for your impatience.)

"by get a free version" i actually forgot to say "a free version later". You can pay 10 bucks to get an early one.