
What is Fek Doing lately? Lack of Communication is a Big Concern

A concerned Supporter 3 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated by Sheylyra Loire 3 years ago 1

I don't know what Fek has been doing lately and that's the whole concern right there.
From other posts I've seen it doesn't seem like this is a small concern.

Unless Patreon is Mistaken, We're currently paying him $20k a Month or $100k a year.
And what is he giving in return? *I don't know*

Does Fek Spend 8 hours a day putting in a full days work on programming or modelling or something?
Is he spending all his time except his sleeping hours nose to the grindstone?
Is he going days at a time with no work at all and he just gets to it when he remembers or feels like it?
*I don't Know*

I'm not asking for a timeclock, or a minute by minute recounting of what he's up to in his daily life, but we're putting a lot of support towards Fek for his great work, and in return we seem to be getting sporadic progress at best and Silence for huge stretches of time. What I *am* asking for is some kind of accountability for all the trust and resources we're giving him.

Fek is making 20k a Month.
He could easily Pay someone $100 on weekends to be your secretary and just Update your Audience.
Or somehow just let us know what is going on with some semblance of vague regularity.

Unless Fek has some big medical bills nobody is aware of, or he's supporting a family of 5, or his extended family relies on him, he is not living below the poverty line. He is making in 1 month what some people are lucky to make in an entire year. And what is he putting out to earn that?

Lately, it seems he's been "Polishing his Laurels," Updating Old games which yes are popular (they're partly how we came to love his work) but they aren't the point at hand, they aren't what the majority if not all of his audience is focused on. Honestly, sometimes it feels like Fek is resting on the laurels of his old successful projects, and his new half done R2CK project is juuuust popular enough for him to do the same on that one too (i'm not saying he is, i'm saying thats what it feels like).

Please prove me wrong Fek. We love you and we love your work. We want you to be successful and to continue being so and move on to even greater things! But as things stand now? Your audience is feeling neglected, and your supporters are feeling taken advantage of. Simply because of the fact we don't know what's going on. Your ongoing silence feels like you've drawn a curtain around the whole thing and are hiding behind it, ignoring those of us who put you up on that pedestal to begin with.

Please prove me wrong.
I want to be wrong.

Well, he posted a Status Update yesterday on Patreon.