
The ability to write notes about favorited subjects.

StealthBeast 4 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 4 years ago 2

This would be incredibly useful from a gameplay perspective. The ability for me to write in a notepad, "Particularly good subject for farming Avium" or "Responds best to my _____ character" or something like that... WITHOUT me having to open Notepad on my actual computer would be extremely useful for when I'm trying to get certain resources or invoke certain responses.

It would probably be really simple to program in.

Not to mention, there's probably plenty of people who would love it from a roleplay perspective. Some people would probably get really into writing up an entire lab report. If this notepad thing proved to be popular, it could later be considered for adaptation into Racknet. People leaving notes to the character's creator about experiences they had with their characters. Stuff like that.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. A simple box of text connected to fav'd characters would be an overall useful tool for the practical researcher.

That would be so helpfull

Templates might be nice too.