
BLACK history month banner

Rey Tunn 3 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated by Sheylyra Loire 3 years ago 5

Needs to be in. Tired of the oppression from white men. They've beaten us down for the last million years. RISE UP! Defeat the racist crackers.  



God damn I'm getting tired of this shit. First coca cola does "be less white" training, now THIS on a furry site. JFC... 


Thats our local racist troll, Fek is trying to get rid of him, but he always comes back, just downvote and ignore.


And to our Troll, just be gone you racist piece of shit!


Sorry, but black people (especially men) can't be racist. 


Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different

behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be

divided based on the superiority of one race over another.

Means YOU are a Racist.