Welcome to the Rack 2 suggestions page! If you have ideas, suggestions, or feature requests for Rack 2, you've come to the right place.

If you're here to suggest a species, please visit the SPECIES SUGGESTIONS forum.



pattisfood 6 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated by Nathan “Mewfii” Richardson 6 years ago 1

Patti's Food is a leading provider of food services, including corporate and social catering in Mississauga, Oakville, Burlington, Brampton and Toronto.

Catering GTA


BLACK history month banner

Rey Tunn 3 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated by Sheylyra Loire 3 years ago 5

Needs to be in. Tired of the oppression from white men. They've beaten us down for the last million years. RISE UP! Defeat the racist crackers.  



Cool idea!

Anonymous 4 years ago updated by Tyrone Libbs 3 years ago 9

ok so my idea is that jew furries can turn white furries into soy zombies and then the white furries let the black or muslim furries rape their women and children and behead them. Cool idea huh?


King George Floyd monument to honor our fallen brothers against the white menace in 2020

Kyler Scott 3 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated by Tyrone Libbs 3 years ago 2

Title. I think it should be somewhere near or in the lobby. Just to remind all players that BLACK LIVES MATTER and also to remind the (non-black only) players that we are the majority now. And their lives do NOT matter. 






Steam Store?

Anonymous 7 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 7 years ago 6

Would you ever upload this to Steam, or is this sort of content frowned upon by Valve? I also understand that Valve's policy on uploading content like mods or games can be a tad stringent. Mod developers sometimes choose entirely not to upload their content to the Workshop, because once you post it, it basically belongs to them.

I don't necessarily suggest uploading this to Steam? It was a thought that crossed my mind and I was curious if you would do it. If anything, you would have access to the Steam Workshop and maybe even build a proper modding community. Just my thoughts. Cheers, can't wait for the game!


The FA I rarely use: ValkyrieLynx



Anonymous 6 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 6 years ago 60

Image 146

Image 145


Furry Nazis

Anonymous 6 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 5 years ago 6

Yes, mein fuhrer? (instead of master)

Have a SS uniform available to buy as clothes in the game.

(I'm just joking, but it would be dope to have a military captain's hat as an accessory)


Release the game.

Lucario_Lover 7 years ago in General Suggestions and Ideas updated 5 years ago 12

I don't know if anyone else has noticed but Fek hasn't released the game for free yet.

"I don't like setting deadlines, because I have no idea how long it will take to finish the game. With that said, I roughly estimate that there will be a basic build available to the public by the end of 2016, and a finished, polished game by the end of 2017."

It's not a money problem, he only needed $30,000 a year to quit his day job, and now he's making over $300,000 a year from his Patrons.

Sorry if it sounds like a demand, but it is. I just found it annoying that said he would release the game to the public by the end of 2016, but it's now well over into 2017. Let's see if we can get Fek's attention on this matter.

If this is some kind of misunderstanding, then please tell me. If there's a reason behind this, then nevermind this whole comment.


Feet Fermentation

Anonymous 7 years ago in Fetishes and Sex Toys updated 5 years ago 4

Hey I really like this game, but I'm really confused on how you haven't added some sort of feature that could determine how smelly a character's feet are. Smelly feet are an untapped market and it wouldn't even be that hard to coding in. Adding stink lines would be enough, but if you were to add something that could measure the stink, perhaps an odor-ometer, that would be amazing! As the meter goes up, characters would comment and even physically express disgust at how ripe the feet are, eventually vomiting. 

Also being able to put your dick between each indifitual toe would be great :)